- Start with the prayer Jesus taught us in the sermon on the mount, the Our Father. Mostly to remind us that He is God, and we are not, but also to put our petitions in perspective. Luke 11:2-4
- The Angel Gabriel announces his birth to Mary. Luke 1:26-38 (Pay close attention to Luke 1:28)
- Mary visits Elizabeth. Luke 1:39-56 (Pay close attention to Luke 1:42)
- The birth of Jesus. Luke 2:6-20
- Jesus is presented in the temple. Luke 2:22-39
- They found Jesus in the temple. Luke 2:41-51
- Jesus was baptized by John the baptist. Luke 3:15-22, John 1:26-34
- Jesus at the wedding feast of Cana. John 2:1-12
- Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom. Mark 1:14-15
- Jesus is transfigured. Matthew 17:1-8
- The last supper. Luke 22: 14-20
- Jesus is sold out my Judas in the garden. Luke 22:39-46
- Jesus is scourged at the pillar. Luke 23:16-22
- Jesus is crowned with thorns. Mathew 27:29-30
- Jesus carries his cross. Luke 23:26-33
- Jesus is crucified. Luke 23:33-46
- Jesus is resurrected. Matthew 28:1-10
- Jesus ascends into Heaven. Luke 24: 50-51
- The holy spirit descends. Acts 2:1-41
- Give all of the glory to God in his 3 persons: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. Amen.
This is a really cool bible study that I think one could do part of each and every day. Being Protestant or Catholic is irrelevant, we are simply meditating on the life and death of Jesus, and He is our aim. We can learn a lot about him and ourselves by meditating on these scripture verses.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Once you have meditated on these verses, you will have said almost 4 complete Rosaries. Yep, you heard it right here. The Rosary is nothing more than scripture meditation. Even the Hail Mary (see #2 and #3). So, meditate, pray, and praise Jesus for giving us his Mother on the cross (John 19:27).
**Note: For those wondering, there are two more mysteries of the Rosary that I have omitted: The Assumption of Mary, and Her Coronation. These are both alluded to in the book of Revelation, and thus are perfectly scriptural. But, it was outside of the point I wanted to make here. There are additionally a few more prayers in the Rosary, but again, the point here was the the overall big-picture of the Rosary is a meditation on the life and death of Jesus Christ.
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