The Beginning...
To make a long story short, the past year has been a whirlwind for me. I have embarked on a faith journey into the marvelous land of Catholic apologetics. In fact, my entire life has been a whirlwind. Not of the crazy-life-story variety, in that respect, my life has been quite dull. But, rather my journey of spiritual and personal growth has been a whirlwind. Let me put it this way:
1997: Agnostic
1998: Theist
1999: Christian
2004: Roman Catholic
2009: Lifeteen Coreteam (adult leader of the youth group)
2010: Joined the Lifeteen Band
2014: Learning how to be an RCIA Teacher (Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults)
To say the least, it has been an interesting 16+ years; all the way from agnosticism to a teacher of the Catholic faith. I don't want to, necessarily, write about how I got here; but rather what I am currently studying. This blog will, in large part, be a place where I can sort out of my thoughts on the things I am currently learning. One of my favorite quotes is:
"There are some who desire knowledge merely for its own sake; and that is shameful curiosity. And there are others who desire to know, in order that they may themselves be known; and that is vanity, disgraceful too. Others again desire knowledge in order to acquire money or preferment by it; that too is a discreditable quest. But there are also some who desire knowledge, that they may build up the souls of others with it; and that is charity. Others, again, desire it that they may themselves be built up thereby; and that is prudence. Of all these types, only the last two put knowledge to the right use" (St. Bernard, Sermon on the Canticle of Canticles).
While the exercise of "prudence" is certainly an end to my studies, I hope that I can build up others along the way.
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